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Liz Provo

Enjoy your insight - as always. Thought your readers might like to know that we are doing two "How To Sell Your Own Home in Today's Market" seminars sponsored by the Western Mass. Home Builders Association during their Fall Home Showcase, Nov. 2 - 4 at the Big -E fairgrounds (yes, where the Big E, New England's Largest Fair is held!) We are scheduled for two seminars, Sat. Nov. 3, 2007 at 10:30 and Sun. Nov. 4, 2007 at 1:30. Admission is free with your home show fee.

We will be discussing everything from preparation, pricing, advertising media, legal issues, working with agents to your advantage...so much, it's impossible to include everything.

So, if any of your loyal readers wish to come to Western Mass. (it's really not that far and the home prices are much lower...) come over and say hi! For more info. you can reach me at (413) 529-2970 or log onto http://www.ma4salebyowner.com.

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