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June 01, 2005
Capturing the Real Estate Bubble in an "audio time capsule"
This impromptu podcast was recorded last week, and includes some preliminary thoughts about how The Real Estate Cafe hopes to incorporate audio files or a podcast into this blog. We're also excited about creating an "audio time capsule" to capture different perspectives -- from ordinary homebuyers and sellers -- on the Real Estate Bubble of 2005.
Listen to the podcast (2.2 MB)
Wikipedia defines podcasting as "a way of publishing sound files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new audio files automatically. Podcasting is distinct from other types of audio content delivery because it uses the RSS 2.0 protocol. This technique has enabled many producers to create self-published, syndicated radio shows." {more info]
04:39 PM in Podcasts | Permalink
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In refrence to your request to talk to someone who is contemplating getting into the market at such a risky time, I'd be interested in talking to you about this.
As much as I dont want to get into the market at this time, there are things that make me feel that this may be my only chance.
Email me at the adddress I posted if you would like to talk to me abou this.
Posted by: Jeff | Jul 16, 2005 12:12:59 PM
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