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May 29, 2006

Coming soon: Real Estate Bubble Reality Tours?

Ma_sfh_yoy20060525 Looking for our latest research on bubble trends?  We're getting ready to rollout our first experiments with bubble related maps, and need your help.  Are there  questions you'd like answered or data presented to help you make sense of the changing housing market?  If you're thinking of buying a home, would you be interested in getting beyond graphs and statistics to participate in a Real Estate Bubble Reality Tour?  If so, would you prefer to do that (1) on your own "virtually" using interactive maps, (2) your own driving tour, or (3) a small group tour of different towns with other househunters?

In the meantime, you can begin your own tour online by visiting fellow bubble  bloggers:

MassHouseMarket some excellent graphs on the relationship between housing inventory and housing prices, and

BostonBubble.com has a rolling list of local bubble related stories, as well as their analysis of April housing statistics. Thanks for their permission to reprint their graph of Median Price changes, February 2004 - April 2006 above, and please visit their blog for more detail and reader forums.

09:05 AM in Falling prices, Market Trends | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack