December 31, 2006
Waiting game? Prices in 2007 vs 2010
Turn off pop-up blocker, and click on table for larger image.
The Boston Globe is asking readers whether prices will keep falling, remain steady, or begin to rise again in 2007. We asked our blog readers a similar question last year, but as the responses above show, wanted them to graph price changes through the end of the decade. We'd be glad to repeat that survey, but for now, just want to know whether you will make your own 2007 real estate resolutions based on where prices will be over the next 12 months or five years? Does it make a difference? Let us know what you think about what one industry spokesperson says about playing the "Waiting game."
09:04 AM in Consumer surveys, Falling prices, Housing forecasts, Protecting yourself | Permalink | Comments (0)
February 17, 2006
Survey results: Where are housing prices headed in 2006?
It's good to be posting original content to The Real Estate Cafe's blog again after our second bout of bloggers block. Like the first time, the slump lasted for nearly 50 days but this time we had an excuse: we've been waiting for enough responses to go public with our 2006 homebuyer survey. The first of them appears above, and if you click on the image to enlarge it, the results speak for themselves.
We'll post more results in coming days, as well as commentary on the findings and their potential implications for homebuyers and sellers in Greater Boston. The survey is closed at this point, but you can comment online or by record a sound bite, for potential use our real estate bubble audio time capsule (a.k.a. podcast), by calling on our reader line: 617-876-2117.
Event planning: Discuss housing bubble and survey results in person with other homebuyers & sellers
More than 40% of the survey respondents said they would like a monthly (or bi-weekly) update on the real estate bubble, and we have already corresponded with several other bloggers in New England --,, and -- about getting together offline to exchange perspectives with the public. Would Thursday night meetings in Cambridge work for everyone? Your feedback is welcome below or by emailing us privately at [email protected]
12:31 PM in Consumer surveys, Downward pressures, Housing forecasts, Podcasts, Predictions prices will fall, Protecting yourself | Permalink | Comments (0)
January 10, 2006
Homebuyer survey: Graph prices thru 2010
During 2005, The Real Estate Cafe tried to keep its clients as well as the general public informed about the real estate bubble through our blog. Now we'd like to invite our blog readers in Greater Boston to give us YOUR opinion on the housing market and homebuying plans for 2006.
The survey takes just a few minutes and we need *** FIVE *** more respondents to reach our goal of 100. Your feedback will help us provide better services to consumers.
Privacy Policy: Survey responses will be tablulated as a group without attribution to individual respondents. Your identify is so confidential we don't even ask for your name or your email address, so there's no way we can share or, God forbid, sell them to anyone who might send you junk mail or spam.
06:37 PM in Consumer surveys, Housing forecasts, Predictions prices will fall | Permalink | Comments (0)