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February 28, 2006

Chat about Jan. 2006 home sales in Boston / Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Association of Realtors is expected to post January sales statistics to their web site sometime around noon today.  To help make sense of them, The Real Estate Cafe is hosting four chats through the day which the public can join as a guest (if you are unable to see any graphics when you enter the chat room, try clicking on the link below): 

Bubble Hour #1:  Noon to 1pm

Transcript & graphs since 7:20am now online.

Bubble Hour #2:  6:30 to 7:30pm

If there is interest, we'll do this one in person at Borders Bookstore Cafe @ CambridgeSide Galleria tonight or maybe tomorrow.  Please RSVP in advance so we can make that decision.

Bubble Hour #3:  8:00pm to 9pm

We anticipate the largest number of participants for this Bubble Hour, including a special guest from one of that state registry of deeds who will share some statistics for February, three weeks ahead of the Mass. Association of Realtors release their own.

Bubble Hour #4:  11pm to midnight

We have a number of people who house hunt just before heading to bed so to accommodate them, we'll host one more bubble hour today

We've already begun posting some content on line, and invite your comments and questions here or in the chat room.  One note of caution:  overall market statistics, like those being released today by the Mass. Association of Realtors, are often too broad to translate into meaningful information at the local level. That's one of the reasons chat participants with different perspectives --- both geographically and with respect to their opinion about the housing bubble -- are welcome.  (As always, you can also call our reader line to record your own sound bite:  617-876-2117 for potential use in a future podcast.)

Bill Wendel | 11:39 AM in Client Feedback, In the News, Market trends, Price trends, Real Estate Bubble, Timing the market | Permalink


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The webmaster of BostonBubble.com, who will hopefully be joining us later tonight, says that this chat has been turning away potential participants so he has set-up an overflow room on his forum which can be accessed at:


If you visit other sections of his forum, you will find some very intelligent comments from participants. We'll try to expand the number of people who can participate in The Real Estate Cafe's chat before this evening so more people can join us.

Posted by: RealEstateCafe | Feb 28, 2006 2:19:01 PM

It looks like access to the transcript requires an account at the Campfire website. I didn't see an option to sign up for an account there and when I signed in to the chat session it had put "(guest)" next to everybody's login name except for yours, so I think you might be the only one who can access the transcript. Maybe I'm just missing the signup link. Do you know if there is one? If not, would it be possible to get the transcript otherwise?

Posted by: bostonbubble | Feb 28, 2006 7:31:11 PM

Hmm, a couple of other people today were able to see it. I'll try to see why results are inconsistent. We're still experimenting with CampfireNow.com but did add the capacity to handle 10 users when we reconvene at 8pm for the next bubble hour, hopefully with our special guest from one of the Registry of Deeds in MA.

Posted by: RealEstateCafe | Feb 28, 2006 7:35:15 PM

I can get to the transcript now. Maybe the transcript access had something to do with the number of simultaneous users and the account upgrade helped things.

Sorry if it looked like I dropped out of the chat today. Looking over the transcript, I think my connection must have dropped during the chat because I didn't see the responses after my 6:20 post.

Posted by: bostonbubble | Mar 1, 2006 12:24:20 AM

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