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June 23, 2006
Brainstorming with real estate innovators in Boston & beyond
The unconference movement has spawned a nationwide series of self-defining BarCamps, which in turn, are spawning other events and informal user groups. For example, a handful of attendees at BarCampBoston have formed an informal network of Real Estate Innovators and hope to meet monthly as the sign-up poster above suggests. If you're in Boston, join us tonight, Friday, June 23, 2006 at GeoMancers meeting at MIT to discuss what was hot at Where 2.0. (Email [email protected] or call 617-661-4046 for details, or to participate in future Real Estate Innovators gatherings in New England.) BostonPodCamp is tentatively proposed for later this summer, August 19-20th?, and BarCampManchester (NH) is also in the pipeline.
Anyone interested in organizing a BarCamp in Yosemite or somewhere else in or near San Francisco for an open-ended unconference -- or a just a few conversations on hiking trails, around campfires, or in a bar -- AFTER Real Estate Connect SF 2006, July 26-28?
For those who don't know, Connect is the leading real estate technology conference hosted annually by Inman News in San Francisco (that this blogger has missed only over the past decade). This is the first year they will be offering a Real Estate Software Developers Day. If you can't wait for that event, there is a BarCamp in San Francisco this weekend, June 23-25, 2006, and like all BarCamps, be prepared to bring your own session topic or demo.
Can't make it to San Francisco? It's fun to watch who signs up for local BarCamps (see Boston example), and how related wikis and blog posts spring up before, during, and after the event. So keep an eye on BarCamp San Francisco for real estate related topics this weekend. Anyone interested in organizing real estate sessions at BarCampEarth, a "simultaneous compendium of Barcamps around the world to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the first-ever BarCamp" August 25-27, 2006?
Bill Wendel | 12:12 PM in Change Agents, RECALL: Real Estate Consumer Alliance, Social Networking, Tech Trends | Permalink
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The only thing I think that can give real estate a big boost is lower interest rates, and inflation, but with those two things onthe rise, and a depression / recession around the corner, people are thinking twice about buying.
Posted by: OpenMLS | Jun 28, 2006 8:31:16 PM
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