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February 08, 2007
December sales below assessed value added to Real Estate Bubble Map
Looking for comps to substantiate a low-ball offer on a property in Greater Boston? The Real Estate Cafe just added another 127 sales below assessed value, recorded in December 2006 across 25 of the most expensive
cities and towns in Greater Boston, to it's award-winning real estate bubble map.
We also posted a link to past housing price corrections to a national news site, which is looking for contributions from readers, presumably real estate professionals and consumers alike. Your comments are welcome there, or below.
PS. Yesterday, the same news service mentioned our market research in a discussion about the advantages of working with small, independent real estate agencies:
Bill Wendel, owner of the Real Estate Cafe, a buyer’s brokerage firm in Cambridge, Mass., said it can help for small companies to take a marketing approach that is “upside-down or backwards.” As an example, he said, some real estate companies may brag about the volume of listed homes that sold for over $1 million, while Wendel’s company publishes a list of “Million Dollar Markdowns” with homes that were a good value for buyers.
Bill Wendel | 02:31 PM in Bubble map, Market trends, Million Dollar March, Price trends, Real Estate Bubble | Permalink
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where you been cafe? havent seen ya on the blog lately.
Posted by: condo blog boston | Feb 12, 2007 11:13:14 PM
I am not sure there really is a bubble in Weston, the market there is so much more determined by the movements of the very rich, it is somewhat isolated from the greater market.
-- http://www.greatestate.com
Posted by: Diana Chaplin - Weston | Feb 13, 2007 9:09:06 AM
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