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March 01, 2007
Building a Real Estate Philanthropy Dream, ASAP
For many, March 1st is the unofficial kick-off of the Spring homebuying season, but for The Real Estate Cafe it's even more significant for three reasons:
1. Twelve years ago today, March 1, 1995, The Real Estate Cafe signed it's original lease at 221 Concord Ave, Cambridge, MA. With that leap of faith,we became the nation's first internet-based, walk-in housing information center. At the time, high speed T1 internet connections were rare and no one -- not even real estate agents -- could access the MLS on the internet.
2. We'd like to use that anniversary to take another leap of faith: we'd like to invite you to help relaunch the Million Dollar March. Originally submitted to the MIT Ideas Competition in September 2003, the proposed Million Dollar March is:
A friendly, annual fund raising competition to demonstrate how local communities across the United States and other countries can use real estate related revenues and savings from e-commerce real estate transactions to provide shelter subsidies for AIDS orphans through ASAP: AIDS Shelter Alliance Partners.
This year we may use innovative collaboration tools like a wiki or SecondLife.com to invite thousands of homebuyers and sellers, as well as real estate innovators, around the country to participate in the campaign by (1) contributing their own ideas, (2) organizing their own local fund raising campaigns, and (3) signing donation pledges (see PledgeBank idea starters below).
Alumni fund raising model
Download ASAPledge_Harvard091906v3.pdfCitywide fund raising model
Download ASAPledge_City091606v7.pdf
3. For our part, The Real Estate Cafe is using our 12th anniversary to announce our new menu of fees, our first rate increase in approximately a decade. But don't let that discourage you: if you agree to donate 10% of your rebate to non-profit organizations, you can lock into our longstanding rate of $100 per hour. (A minimum of $1,000 must be distributed to one or more non-profit organizations serving AIDS orphans through ASAP: AIDS Shelter Alliance Partners / Million Dollar March.) Why focus on AIDS orphans? Watch the rebroadcast of Oprah's special "Building a Dream" this Saturday, March 3, or read this blog post on six "megaforces" facing the global community.
Bill Wendel | 10:09 PM in ASAP: AIDS Shelter Alliance Partners, Change Agents, Million Dollar March | Permalink
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This is a great article that I have to read it with high attention...
Ahmed Anies
( Egyptian Real estate Agent )
( Egyptian Real Estate BLOGGER )
Phone: (002)+ 016 1334420
Email: [email protected]
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Posted by: Ahmed Anies | Mar 4, 2007 6:03:18 PM
Thank you for your comment. The AIDS pandemic demands a worldwide response, so readers from around the world are invited to contribute their perspective on the Global AIDS Fund as well as ASAP: AIDS Shelter Alliance Partners.
Bill Wendel
The Real Estate Cafe
Posted by: Bill Wendel | Mar 5, 2007 6:02:53 PM
The invention of the T1 connection was a remarkable landmark event as businesses could reach for new unheard of possibilities such as The Real Estate Cafe.
Get your Flat Rate T1 service high speed connection at http://t1connections.net
Posted by: Chris | Mar 5, 2007 6:29:10 PM
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