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January 04, 2008

Thousands of MLS page views over 2 to 4 years: Will Bubble-wary buyers extend wait thru 2008?

1000pageviews_010308v1Temperatures in Boston are approached zero yesterday which, regrettably for this fee-for-service real estate consultant, was about the level of client billable activity over the Holidays.  But that doesn't mean that The Real Estate Cafe's "do-it-yourself" home buyers aren't busy house hunting; to the contrary, 36 of them have looked at over 1,000 MLS pages online.  As shown on the graph above, house hunts of 2,000 to 6,000 MLS page views stretching two to fours years are not uncommon.

Can you imagine how long it would take to drive by that many properties, particularly in this frigid weather?  That's why The Real Estate Cafe offers two MLS access systems, one which includes thousands of expired listings plus another map-based search with links to Zillow estimates. 

That's also why we're eager to invite new and long-time home buyers to network online and off in 2008. Regardless of whether you're a member of our "1,000 click club" graphed above, please join one or more of the subgroups on The Real Estate Cafe's new experimental social networking web site and exchange market insights with other clients -- particularly if you're in a long-term holding pattern

Our survey of housing prices in Greater Boston includes a few questions about potential educational and networking events, like our "Bubble Hour."  Please let us know what interests you and where you think housing prices are headed in 2008 and beyond.

Bill Wendel | 09:10 AM in Do-it-yourself, Extreme Househunting, Housing forecasts, Real Estate Bubble, Timing the market | Permalink


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How does one get the MLS system linked to provide expired listings? It doesn't seem to produce any for me.

Posted by: Dan | Jan 13, 2008 11:08:51 PM

One simply needs to sign-up on our web site, and send an email requesting that upgrade. Right now, we do not charge extra for the service.

Posted by: RealEstateCafe | Jan 14, 2008 11:08:53 PM

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