Well it's not really a quote on love, but *** I LOVE THIS QUOTE. *** It hung on in my Dad's study for more than 25 years, a gift from a long time friend and philosophy professor at St. Louis University where my father taught political science.
I wouldn't be throwing a snow tubing party at 50 if I weren't playful, but I also aspire to the noble things that Plato says we should have achieved or be ready to achieve at 50. Since many of my peers visiting this Valentine's Day Blog will also be turning 50 this year, I invite your comment.
"And when they
have reached fifty years of age, then let those who still survive and have
distinguished themselves in every action of their lives and in every branch
of knowledge come at last to their consummation. The time has now arrived
at which they must raise the eye of the soul to the universal light which
lightens all things, and behold the absolute good; for that is the pattern
according to which they are to order the State and their lives as individuals,
and the remainder of their own lives also; making philosophy their chief
pursuit, but, when their turn comes, toiling also at politics and ruling
for the public good, not as though they were performing some heroic action,
but simply as a matter of duty; and when they have brought up in each generation
others like themselves and left them in their place to be governors of the
State, then will they depart to the Islands of the Blest and dwell there;
and the city will give them public memorials and sacrifices and honor them,
if Phythian oracle consent, as demigods, but if not, as in any case blessed
and divine."